Friday, February 5, 2010

Spiritually is the outcome of the awareness of our inner-self. True or false/ Why/?

Spiritually does not necessarily come from religious belief.? Spiritually is the outcome of the awareness of our inner-self. True or false/ Why/?
G A person who understands the truth can deduce the laws of the world just by observing a blade of grass bend in the wind. It is not necessary to feel the wind on your face to know that it is there.Spiritually is the outcome of the awareness of our inner-self. True or false/ Why/?
'Spiritual experiences', the sense of feeling at one with the universe, of being in the presence of a higher power etc, have been linked to disorders of the temporal and parietal lobes, particularly temporal lobe epilepsy. Individuals with temporal lobe epilepsy tend to display extreme forms of spirituality and report having intense spiritual experiences during epileptic episodes as well as exhibiting increased sensitivity to religious and spiritualistic stimuli between episodes. There's also a correlation between the size of the temporal lobes and the degree of spirituality which a person exhibits, with spirituality increasing as the size of the temporal lobes decreases.

Further, by artificially stimulating the temporal lobes with induced electrical currents, spiritual experiences can be recreated under controlled conditions in the lab, with naturally spiritual people being more susceptible to this stimulation that naturally skeptical people. Spiritual experiences can also be induced by the use of hallucinogens such as LSD, which are well known for producing such an effect. While these observations don't invalidate the hypothesis that spirituality is the outcome of the awareness of an inner-self, it points to a more mundane neurological explanation as being more likely.
Spiritually is the outcome of the awareness of our inner-self. True or false/ Why/?

True, I suppose. But not the best definition, I think. To me, spirituality is the expressions of the spirit. I think that definition is better because it places the spirit as being the 'what came from within' as being the actor.

Spiritually does not necessarily come from religious belief.?

I have many spiritual experiences before I became Christian. I would agree with what you said.
I believe you mean spirituality. I think it's the outcome of one of our needs,which is to believe something. We all believe something,whether we're religious or not. Believing is a need such as many others we have - like eating,sleeping or breathing - but,unlike the others,it's not a tangible one. We all have a hierarchy of needs,the physical ones being the first. Then come the emotions and spiritual fulfillment. Therefore I think it's a need,not an outcome of something - an outcome of our need to believe maybe.
Yes I agree.

I myself had spiritual experiences of various kinds from a young age, but I could tell that no-one in any church knew anything about these experiences. So having spiritual experiences turned me *away* from religion. In fact some people who have such experiences are turned away from churches or even insulted and punished.

I'm so glad you asked this question, because it is something not everyone can understand. Nowadays I really don't mind if people have a religion or not - but I do not.

I work harder at spiritual things than most religious people - two hours every day, seven days a week, meditation, spiritual exercises, even incense and herbs, and of course self-examination to improve my character. I also learned ancient Greek and Latin so I could read certain spiritual documents in their original language.

But I have *no religion whatsoever*. It's not necessary for me, and furthermore, in this day and age I want to make the statement by the way I live that all religions come from something very holy, and all are worthwhile. So I will not choose one over another.

Thanks for your question!
Que passa Hector ?

Well...You finally have a decent question (not to say that the others were not ';decent';), but this one I can identify with, because I am a very spiritual individual (yet not ';religious';) - So - I totally agree with you that spirituality comes from within and yes, it's being aware of one's inner self ! And: No, it does not come from any religious belief, honey !

Sending you all my best wishes and all my love..your friend...Annette*

Good question.

The statement is false as this is only a bate to attract people to various paganistic practices.

There is nothing mystical or hidden about understanding urself.

The only thing worthy of comparing humans is the ';Cleanliness'; of the soul; how good is someone. (Propet Mohammed)
True to me. My spirituality has grown the better I have come to know and love myself; and because of that my faith in my God has grown immensely in the past ten years.

Religion is for those trying to get to heaven;

whereas Spirituality is for those who have been in Hell.
True faith in YHVH says that He saves you so you can be good. (Salvation preceeds works). All other faiths (including the Catholic) say that you do good works in order to merit salvation. True faith is the awareness of the goodness of YAHOSHUA the Savior.
Buddhists are not religious, but are spiritual. They are spiritual atheists.
Guess its true no matter what the outcome is....It could be a false realized outcome which would be false but the realization is true or a true realization which can only be true...So the answer is true either way.
True, as religions or beliefs or even churches are not necessary to find the way to the innermost being.
absolutely right.

You must your own thought, feeling, mind and soul to be spiritual.

However you should learn and explore from the other to speed up your spiritual findings.

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