If there is one true God. Then yes, even if I was wrong.
The truthGiven a Choice: Would you rather Know about the True God or Not at all regardless of what the outcome may be?
truth and nothing but the true God Jehovah
Sure! I found out about the TRUE God, when I put down the man made religion, and started reading the Bible, and the Bible only.
You have to be able to know who God is in order to share the gospel with others..dontyathink?
I chalange you to research the religion that you have dedicated your soul to to make sure of ALL things.....You have much work to do, ny friend, and you will be in my prayers.
I wonder how long before your friends have this harmless answer taken down, because they are afraid of me...silly.
P.S. I have always had a respect for you, you seem to have always treated me in a courtious way and I would like to thank you....We don't agree on anything, but that is OK.
I would always rather know the truth.
Yes, Sir !! That's why I accepted Jesus as my Saviour many years ago!! You're invited, too!!
I would rather know
I would rather know the truth. Not which god, but if there is a god.
I sure want to know the truth about God. You can tell me what you have!
I would want to and do know the true God and wouldn't change it for the world for sooo many reasons!
I would want to know about the true God, of course! It would be self destructive of me to close my mind and refuse to see the truth...Blessings!
Always the true God Jehovah. I did serious reseach before making up my mind to be identified with Jehovah's Witnesses. I researched encyclopedias, dictionaries, Etc. For example the truth I learned about holidays, convinced me Jehovah Witnesses have the truth.
I would rather know the True God (if there is even one). He or She or It has to prove himself to be a god and worthy of worship too.
If there were truly a god, of course I'd want to know about it.
This deal is not like the Matrix, where it's the blue pill or the red pill.
On some level we all know the truth.
Know the true God.
Atl east then you have followed the Bible and have avoided many problems.
But either way, I know the true God Jehovah so I am not worried.=]
Anyone would be a fool not to want to know the truth, especially such an important truth that could impact our eternal destiny.
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